Here is what you should know:
- The student loan market is volatile right now and several lenders have pulled out or created more stringent lending guidelines. This will affect people with lower credit scores more than people with high credit scores. Read a good explanation at and go to the bottom of the article for a real-world summary.
- The best scholarship search sites have strong relationships with funders and they actively recruit scholarship sponsors to post on their site, instead of relying on a generic database. This is a lot of extra work for them but it provides better information for you the student. has done this.
- Getting colleges to understand the full background of a student is very difficult through a typical paper or online application. Using photos, pdfs, audio or videos can provide colleges with a glimpse of the real you. Through the online profile functions at you can upload all of your details and then colleges (more than 600 of them) can check you out. The bonus? It’s free to you, with little-to-no ads, except ads for scholarships!